Join Drexel SWE

For Drexel students, getting involved is easy! Just follow the guide below.

  1. Request to be a member on DragonLink. From here, our Membership Committee will sign you up for our Weekly Newsletter.
  2. Join the SWE Discord Server.
  3. Attend our events to achieve Active Member Status!

Check out the calendar of events on Google Calendar or in the Weekly Newsletter to get started.

We encourage you to also be a society member of SWE, which makes you a member of not only our section but also of the global society. See the guide below.

How to Become a Society Level Member

To see more detailed instructions with pictures, download the help document here.
1. Go to On the homepage there is a side tab labeled “JOIN”. Click side tab.
2. Click “JOIN NOW!”
3. Tab will open in a new window. Click the link labeled Become a member (nonmember).
4. Fill out the form with name, email, etc.
5. Fill out the longer form on the next page.
6. Choose the package membership you would like. Collegiate to Career membership is suggested because with the 5yr program you save the most money.
7. Select the Drexel Section (E058).
8. Put in your credit card info and you’re home free.